Gardening Services

The detailed work of caring for perennial beds and shrubs can be time-consuming. If gardening isn’t your jam, but you want to have your yard look well-maintained or if you are a gardener and just need a little extra help, check out our gardening services to find out more. We offer one-time, seasonal, bi-weekly, monthly or customized maintenance schedules to stay on top of garden chores. We don’t do lawn care or snow removal.

Planting and maintenance

What we do:

  • Plant perennials, bulbs, annual bedding plants, shrubs and small trees

  • Watering and weeding

  • Prune shrubs and small trees

  • Divide and move perennials

  • Deadhead spent flowers and prune perennials

  • Spring and fall cleanups

  • Mulching

  • Spruce up your yard for a special occasion or get your house ready to sell

  • Repot houseplants

  • Watering while you’re on vacation

Deadheading spent flowers keeps your garden looking great and may encourage a fresh flush of flowers.


Vacation watering. Don’t let your plants miss you while you’re out of town. We’ll water your flower beds and containers so they look great when you get back.

Tidy up your yard with a spring clean-up and fresh layer of mulch.


Dividing perennials helps them thrive and bloom more and you get MORE plants.

Stephanie Petersen
(515) 865-9940
Des Moines, Iowa


Garden Design


Garden Consultation